Front cover Label Back cover

The fall
Natural xtacy
Burning bush
Gun for hire
Leva & förlåta
Bushdoctor style first cut
Nyårsfest hos mig

Versions and instrumentals (The karaoke stuff...hehe)
The fall version

Natural xtacy instrumental

Burning bush version

Gun for hire - Version
Gun for hire - Instrumental

DeLight version
DeLight instrumental

Jordbarn version

Leva & förlåta version
Leva & förlåta instrumental

Skinnsbergsmaffian version

Nyårsfest dry mix
Nyårsfest reverbed mix
Nyårsfest snare mix
Nyårsfest digeridoo mix


Gun for hire - Web sized Video
Gun for hire - Video


Live studio opening

Grattis på födelsedan
Monster moster
Embalainen version
Embalainen instrumental
2012-06-03 - Hemvändardag
No one can own a free man
I know what you're thinking and what I have done
But it's no wrong
No one can own the music we record
No one can own a free man
GM mannen
Rocky road